I Samuel 30:1
It’s Time to Stop Crying
Rev. Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.
David was now the King. He was in battle. When he returned home from the battle, they had been invaded. Everythong they onwed had been taken. They were in a hopeless situation. They wept until they could not weep anymore. They were all cried out! The King was in the sitation as his men. He too had to deal with loss just as the others. But now his men turned on him and blamed him for their situation.
There are times when we are going through situations and circumstances when it seems like we just can not cry. We are all cried out! We can’t do anything about what has happened. Therefore, It is time to stop crying! We must do as David did. We need to make up our minds to change.
At times you cannot think clearly if you focus on pain, hurt or situations. As with David, things will not change or happen until you dry up your tears. When friends and family turn against you because they blame you, you need to encourage yourself, Do not allow your situation or circumstances to hold you back.
The first step in moving forward is to talk to the Lord as David did. Then you need to stay there long enough to hear God. He will not allow you to stay in that situation. Do not try to make decisions when you are emotional. Dry up your tears, get your mind right and let God lead you. Prepare to move forward.
Stay and listen to the Lord! He knows it all. He will give you directions and substances. When you listen and stop crying you will receive from the Lord. Just as David did, you will receive more than you lost. Not only did David get back what they had taken from him, but he received what they had and what they had taken from others.
God is in the blessing business! He will give you double for your trouble. God will put you back together again!