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Thursday’s Ministry Moment

What Is Forgiveness?
Matthew 18:21-26

Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.

If we are to have a relationship with God, have our prayers heard and answered, we must do away with SIN and UNFORGIVENESS!

How often should we forgive if someone keeps doing us wrong over and over again? We should have unlimited forgiveness.

If we refuse to forgive, we are showing that we do not trust God to judge justly. Don’t let the past stop you from trusting and having faith in God. If we have no forgiveness we have no fellowship with God and the work of the Lord is hindered with souls at stake.

1. Realizing and admitting wrong doing.
2. Reaffirming godly love. (remembering incident without the pain)
3. Releasing the past (Hurt, pain, frustration/time heals)

The Q-TIP Effect

Seek God, release the past, and LET IT GO, so you can move to the next level!


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