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Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy. Philippians 1:4

This is a remarkable expression when we consider where Paul was when he wrote this passage. He was over in Rome in prison! A personal relationship with Christ brings joy to every believer’s life regardless of his/her circumstances. 

Despite that truth, we expect to experience joy through external means. We associate joy with emotion and pleasure and expect to experience joy through enjoying programs and banquets, but joy does not depend on external events or circumstances. Joy is determined by the inward condition of the individual. 

Joy is present where a person views life, in all situations, with the confidence that God is who He is and will do what He says He will do. You and I can only enjoy that view when we are firmly rooted in God’s will, as Paul was. In that place, in spite of less-than-ideal circumstances, Paul prayed for the Philippians with joy, with the delight that comes from confidence in The Lord. Like Paul, we should delight in our confidence in The Lord, not distracted by any displeasure in our circumstances but always joyfully embracing every opportunity to petition for or minister to others. 



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