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Thursday’s Ministry Moment

Hebrews 12:12-15
Relaxing in God’s Grace

With so much going on in today’s world, death, government turmoil, family situations, etc., we still have God’s grace and God’s love.

If we are to relax in God’s grace, we must realize the following:

1. Nobody is perfect. The only perfect thing is God’s Word. Nobody is perfect but God. Stop setting yourself up for disappointment or a letdown by expecting people or things to be the way we want. They are not our way of thinking because they don’t have the ability to change or be our way because we are all imperfect.

2. Understand and enjoy God’s unconditional love. The love of God has no strings attached. He loves us just as we are because He accepted us the way we were when we came to Him. We as imperfect people have the love of a perfect God. God’s love goes beyond whatever our whatever is.

3. Walk in the faith and let God handle all things. We can’t control things in this life. Give it to God no matter the situation, the pain, the finance, sickness, children, job, or whatever, let God handle it! He has the capacity to do it!

Remember when things happen either God allowed it or arranged it. Leave it in God’s hand.

By doing the above things we can relax in God’s love and God’s grace!

Rev. Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr., Pastor



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