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Thursday’s Ministry Moment

II Corinthians 12:7-9
Lessons From A Thorn

Pastor Rev. Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.

In this passage of scripture we see where Paul writes about his life’s experience. Paul experienced privileges from God but he had a problem. He had a thorn in his side that he asked God to remove thrice. But God did not remove it but told him “My grace is sufficient”. He allowed it to remain to keep Paul level.

Our life lessons let us see that we experience many blessings from God, but sometimes those blessings come with burdens attached.

God gives us blessings with burdens to keep us from our pride.

God gives us blessings with burdens so we can produce a prayer life.

Thorns are not always a burden but can be therapy.
Thorns can be in the form of death, finance, family problems, etc. But some of these thorns come with blessings attached.

Blessings with burdens attached let’s us have no pride and help us to produces a prayer life.




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