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Thursday’s Ministry Moment

Press Your Way Through
Mark 5:35-34

Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.

We have problems, circumstances and situations that seem out of control and we cannot fix ourselves.
In today’s lesson text we find a woman with an issue that she had suffered with for 12 years. This problem is one that she, herself, could not solve. We, as probably this woman had done, have tried to work through our problem, think our way through it, work our way around it, and bring others in to help, but the problem is still there.

So, as this woman in our text, what do we do when we have a problem that we cannot fix?
1. Acknowledge your problem
Lesson text: Her problem – Issue of blood
Your problem: you name it

2. Have a plan to follow
Lesson text: This woman had a plan. She had enough faith that she knew if she could not get to HIM, she only needed to touch the HEM of HIM and she would be healed. (Problem solved)
You need to put a plan in place. You need to get to Him, trust Him, or connect with someone who has a connection with Him. You may not be able to get to God, but if you can’t, connect with someone who is in connection. Sometimes you may only need a word from your Pastor, a word from your Bible, or have a song in your heart. When you can’t get to HIM, get to His HEM which is a part of Him. You need a HYMN. A song can/will lift your spirits, encourage you to know that God will fix your problem.

3. Make a Proclamation
Lesson text: This woman said It is I who have touched you.
You need to tell Him, it’s me with the problem that I can’t fix!

God is looking for faith walkers!

Trust in God.
Believe God is going to do just what He said He would do.
Wait on God!

Do not allow your problems or circumstances to make you think God is not listening or don’t hear you. God sees and knows all things.

What are you willing to do or go through to get your healing and blessings?
Lesson text: This woman knew she was not to be in a crowd of people because she was considered unclean. She was willing to press her way through all the bad looks or whatever came her way. She needed to get to Jesus!
Are you willing to press your way through people talking about you, endure people looking at you, study the Word, be faithful in your giving, and faithful in your Bible Class?

Don’t let your problems stop you!
Don’t let your tears stop you!
Don’t let what others say about you stop you!
Trust and believe in God. Your faith will give you your desires and what you need!
Be Healed Be Delivered Be Set Free! Your blessing is greater on the other side than your problems on this side.

Press Your Way Through!


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