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Thursday’s Ministry Moment

The Pattern of Prayer
Luke 11:1-9

Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.

Prayer is communication with God. You speak, God listens; God speaks, you listen.

The masses of people that followed Jesus notice His consistent in prayer and the results of His prayer. This led them to ask Jesus to teach them how to pray.

The three steps in the pattern of prayer:
1. Praise – When you say “Our Father” and “Hallowed be they name”, you are honoring, giving praise and setting God apart to focus on Him only. To be effective you need to give God praise!
2. Intercession for others – “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” – You are acknowledging God’s spiritual reign. You are petitioning for evil to be destroyed and asking God to come so others will receive Him as you have.
3. Request be known – “Forgive us” – Personal need be met day by day. We must forgive if we want forgiveness from God.

Structure prayer is vertical ( all to do with God) and horizontal ( all to do with you).

God will withhold nothing from you if you pray the will of God according to the Word of God.
As believers we need to stay in constant contact with God – Persistent and Consistent PRAYER!


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