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In Memory and Honor of Yolanda Kyles Strickland


February 9, 1970 – September 13, 2012

As I write this blog I remember all the good times we shared with Yolanda. I haven’t written a blog in a while because Yolanda strongly encouraged me to write them. (Actually she made me write them!) She remained focused on the task at hand, and she never let me forget my responsibility in the equation. My friends that concept is called accountability. It seems very simple, but I’ll tell you it’s very difficult. It’s difficult because we can’t do it alone. That’s why God sent His son to this world. God knew we couldn’t do it alone. He knew we needed a partner to aid us in our accountability to Him. I’m glad that God used Yolanda to hold me accountable in so many ways. Through her life, legacy and testimony, she still holds me accountable today. She holds me accountable to be the best father, friend and pastor of United Baptist Church, the church she loved so dear. Many times we feel the Lord is going to pull out the megaphone and just tell us what to do, tell us how to be better, or tell us where we need to serve. However, there are times when God speaks to us through a quiet still voice like Yolanda’s telling us, “Pastor, I need a blog by Sunday of next week!” And guess what. She got that blog from me every week. Sometimes she got several in a week. That’s accountability at its best.

Even though Yolanda is deeply missed, we hold the precious memories of her in our hearts as we anxiously and optimistically await that glorious day when we will see her again. Do you think she will ask me for a blog? Knowing Yolanda, probably so.



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