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One of my favorite songs of all time is “I Won’t Complain” by Reverend Paul Jones. It says, “All of my good days outweigh my bad day, and I won’t complain.” So many times we wake up in the morning and think about all the things we don’t have. We think it would be great to have a better job or it would be great to have a larger house. I wish I had a new car with all the bells and whistles.

 Instead of complaining about all the things we don’t have, we should take the time to thank God for all the things we have that we don’t even deserve. First of all, God didn’t have to wake us up, but He did. You may not have the job you want, but you have a job that provides resources for you to live. You may not have a house the size you want, but God has provided you with a place to lay your head. You may not have a car with all the latest features, but perhaps God blessed you with a vehicle that has taken you safely from one place to another. We may not have all the things we want, but God has been good to us. He’s been better to us than we deserve. That’s why I enjoy singing, “All of my good days outweigh my bad days, and I won’t complain.” Why? Because God has been good to me! So, let’s serve with a heart of gratitude without complaining because we have been the recipients of many blessings we don’t deserve.


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