Happy Mother’s Day! In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day a national holiday and a day of “public expression of our love and reverence for all mothers.” I want to express my love and reverence for all of my mothers reading this. Thank you to each of you for all of your kindness, prayers, encouragement, gifts and other acts of motherly love.
One culture has a saying that “God could not be everywhere at once, so he gave each child a mother.” I hope this is true. I hope each of you have experienced a mother’s love – the love of someone who has cared for you more deeply than you have cared for yourself, someone who has been concerned for your welfare even when you were not, and someone who consistently expected you to be your best and unconditionally loved you when you were not your best. Mothers are a priceless gift and a valuable example of service. May we all serve someone with a mother’s love.