My wife and I like to find new shows to watch. Recently we have started watching a show called Chopped on the Food Network. The show features various kinds of chefs – from fathers to firemen to professional chefs. Four chefs are given a basket of mystery ingredients. The chefs have thirty minutes to open the mystery basket, decide how to use each ingredient and prepare a dish using all of the mystery ingredients.
Some people open the basket and discover they have to prepare a creative and tasty meal with something they have never cooked with before. I feel a little anxiety for those people initially, but as the chef proceeds, uncertain about the result but relying on what he or she knows, exceptional dishes are produced.
If you are like me, you have had moments like those chefs who opened their baskets and didn’t know what to do. Sometimes God places you in a situation in which you felt like you were supposed to help, but you didn’t know what to do or say. I have had those moments, but I have fewer and fewer as time passes because of all the practice I have had encouraging and giving and serving in different situations. This year we want our entire church to have fewer of those anxious moments of encountering situations where you have no idea how to serve in the situation you’ve been given. Be sure to “stay tuned” and join us faithfully in Sunday worship service and Bible Fellowship on Wednesdays as we are working on programming to get you ready for service.