While in Orlando last week for a work conference, LaToya and I decided to visit Disneyworld during some down time. As we rode, I noted that unlike most roller coasters I had seen, Disney’s roller coasters were largely or completely covered by some huge, themed structure. For example, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the Mount Everest roller coasters were mostly hidden underneath mountains. At most, I could see glimpses of the ride through the structure.
I found that I preferred the covered roller coasters to the exposed ones. The exposed roller coaster let me see too much of the ride. I would become anxious about the number or depth of the drops and not enjoy the ride as much. I think God creates our lives like Disney creates roller coasters. We tend to see only a few glimpses of our lives, at most, before we experience them. It can be frustrating to yield your life without knowing what’s ahead. But I think God knew, like seeing the whole roller coaster ahead of time, we would be better able to approach the ride of life not seeing our whole life, all our lives ups and downs, beforehand.
We are preparing to introduce new things God has laid on my heart for 2015. I encourage you to do as I did on the Disney rides — expect to encounter high speeds, sharp turns and a few ups and downs, trust the creator and the driver of the ride, sit back, surrender to the track and enjoy the ride.