March Madness
A Reason to Rejoice
Romans 5:1-5
Be joyful about your relationship with God!
With all that’s going on, it’s hard sometimes but we need to keep things in perspective. As Christians we should not look at things as the world does. We have something to rejoice about!
Every problem has a purpose! As Christians our problems have a new perspective and purpose. Our problems do not defeat us or hold us down. Our trials and tribulations are purposeful. There is a reason why God let’s us go through. There is a good purpose for every problem that God allows us to experience; not that the experience is good but the purpose is.
Every problem has a purpose:
1. ..we learn to keep things in the right perspective
2. ..our problems help develop our perseverance: strengthening us and deepen our trust in God
3. ..God allows us to go through so we a greater confidence about our future!
God has a watchful eye. He will not allow more than we can bear. God is developing us! Do not allow your problems to pressure you, but they should help you grow closer to God!
Rev. Dr. Jonathan T. Phillips, Jr.