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We probably all experienced effects of the winter storm that swept through our area this week. Monday night, Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning our power went out for a while. My wife and I are accustomed to being able to spend our evenings at home working, searching the internet or doing whatever we want on our devices knowing we can recharge them at any time. And in the mornings we check emails, listen to music and check the weather. We enjoy being able to turn on the TV any time we want. It was different to be without electricity. We missed having the connection that allows us to do the things we normally do and really enjoy. We were so glad when the workers restored our service!

We Christians are like workers for the power company. There are people around us who have never been connected to God or who have become disconnected from God. God calls us to be His service representatives and service restorers. He expects us to locate the people around us with no connection and help them connect to Him, the power source. This is why we are focusing on being ready to serve this year. The power outage this week reminded me how important our service can be to others and how important it is for us to be ready to serve.



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